Lifestealer rends an enemy unit, slowing the victim's movement speed and allowing all allies to regain health for a percentage of the damage they deal to that unit. All damage dealt will steal life, including damage from spells. The victim recovers movement speed over the duration.
Ghoul Frenzy
Mana :
Cooldown :
Passively grants Lifestealer Movement and Attack Speed.
Mana :
Cooldown :
Lifestealer's attacks deal damage and provide heal for a percentage of his target's max health. Allows Lifestealer to attack allied creeps at 75% health. Lifestealer gains permanent max HP whenever he kills a creep or hero.
Mana :
100 / 125 / 150
Cooldown :
Lifestealer infests the body of a target unit, becoming undetectable, and healing for a portion of his max hitpoints every second while inside. He can then explode from the host body, dealing damage to nearby enemies. If the infested unit is an enemy creep or a neutral creep, he can take control of the unit's ability to move and attack. Does not work on enemy heroes.DISPEL TYPE: Basic Dispel
Mana :
Cooldown :
Lifestealer eats the host body from the inside out, exploding from within.
Talent Tree
+3% Ghoul Frenzy Movement Speed
+150 Infest Damage
+15% Open Wounds Slow
+50 Ghoul Frenzy Attack Speed
+25% Open Wounds Lifesteal
+15% Infest Target Movespeed/Health
+1s Rage Duration
+1% Feast Lifesteal and Damage
Recommended Items
Start game
Early game
- 15:00
Mid game
- 35:00
Late game
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Контрпик Гули Дота 2
Lifestealer или как его все называют Гуля, очень сильный герой ближнего боя, обладает хорошим вампиризмом и способностью к иммунитету к магии. Потому давайте разберем контрпик Гули Дота 2, и как же нам успешно противостоять этому герою.