Repeatedly strikes the targeted unit with lightning. Each strike damages nearby enemy units in a small radius and slows enemy movement and attack speed by 100% for 0.4 seconds. Provides vision of its target.
Mana :
70 / 85 / 100 / 115
Cooldown :
Teleports the target hero back to where it was 4 / 4 / 4 / 4 seconds ago. Instantly kills illusions. Deals damage equal to a percentage of the distance glimpsed, that cannot go over a damage maximum.
Kinetic Field
Mana :
Cooldown :
After a short formation time, creates a circular barrier of kinetic energy that enemies can't pass.
Electromagnetic Repulsion
Mana :
Cooldown :
Whenever Disruptor takes more than 250 damage from any source within 400 radius, all nearby enemies within are pushed back up to a 400 unit distance.
Static Storm
Mana :
125 / 175 / 225
Cooldown :
90 / 80 / 70
Creates a damaging static storm that also silences all enemy units in the area for the duration. The damage starts off weak, but increases in power over the duration.