Undying steals strength from all enemy heroes in an area, dealing base damage as he claims the enemy's strength for himself. Deals 2x damage to creeps.
Soul Rip
Mana :
Cooldown :
18 / 14 / 10 / 6
Undying rips health away from all nearby units and uses it to heal an ally, or damage an enemy. Soul Rip can also be used to heal Tombstone.
Mana :
125 / 150 / 175 / 200
Cooldown :
Summons a tombstone at the target point. Zombies will frequently spawn next to every enemy unit in the area around the Tombstone, and attack them. Zombies have the Deathlust ability, which causes their attacks to slow the target, and if the target reaches below a certain amount of health, increases the attack and movement speed of the zombie.
Ceaseless Dirge
Mana :
Cooldown :
When Undying dies he will instantly respawn in the fountain. Begins the game on cooldown. Cannot be refreshed.
Flesh Golem
Mana :
100 / 125 / 150
Cooldown :
Undying transforms into a horrifying flesh golem. Gains a percentage increase to strength and imbues attacks with a slow and damage amplification.