Rock spikes burst from the earth along a straight path. Enemy units are hurled into the air, then are stunned and take damage when they fall.
Mana :
125 / 150 / 175 / 200
Cooldown :
Transforms an enemy unit into a harmless beast, with all special abilities disabled.
Mana Drain
Mana :
Cooldown :
15 / 12 / 9 / 6
CHANNELED - Channels magical energy, taking mana and slowing enemies over time, and dealing damage equal to 100% of mana stolen. Can target allies to give them mana and movement speed at a 50% rate.
Finger of Death
Mana :
200 / 400 / 600
Cooldown :
140 / 90 / 40
Rips at an enemy unit, trying to turn it inside-out. Deals massive damage and grows stronger with each life it consumes.