Pangolier dashes along the target line, then slashes all enemies in the drawn direction with several quick swipes.\n\nLucky Shot has a chance to activate from this damage.
Shield Crash
Mana :
70 / 80 / 90 / 100
Cooldown :
18 / 16 / 14 / 12
Pangolier jumps in the air and slams back to the ground in front of his current position, damaging and slowing all enemies in a radius. For each enemy hero hit, he gains an all damage shield for a short time.\n\nForward movement is maintained if Shield Crash is used while Rolling Thunder is active, and allows Rolling Thunder to clear walls or cliffs.\n\n Shield Crash cooldown during Rolling Thunder is decreased.
Lucky Shot
Mana :
Cooldown :
Pangolier rolls the dice and lets fate decide the outcome for his enemies. Grants a chance to drastically slow their attack speed and reduce armor on any damage dealt by Pangolier's attacks or abilities.
Roll Up
Mana :
Cooldown :
Pangolier curls into an immobile protective ball, gaining debuff immunity, 50% magic resistance, and allowing him to turn. Can be cast during Rolling Thunder to temporarily hit the brakes. Can cast Rolling Thunder and Shield Crash during Roll Up. If enemies attack Pangolier during this, he will roll away from the attacker, applying Rolling Thunder damage/stun if there are enemies in the way.
End Roll Up
Mana :
Cooldown :
Ends Pangolier's Roll Up early.
Rolling Thunder
Mana :
100 / 125 / 150
Cooldown :
90 / 85 / 80
Pangolier curls into a debuff immune ball with 50% additional magic resistance and rolls out. When rolling, he moves at an increased speed and can move through trees, but has a decreased ability to turn. Striking enemies knocks them back, inflicting damage and stunning them when they land. \n\nColliding with walls or cliffs will cause a temporary pause while Pangolier reverses in direction.\n\n During Rolling Thunder, Shield Crash cooldown is reduced.\n\nDISPEL TYPE: Basic Dispel