Beastmaster Dota 2

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- Initiator, Disabler, Durable, Nuker

Hero Beastmaster guide in Dota 2 - Full Review

Hero story of Beastmaster

History of Beastmaster Dota 2 - Raised Among Beasts. Since birth, Karroch's life has been tough and dramatic. His mother died during his childbirth, and was raised by his father. At the age of five, the boy lost his father too. The boy's father was a blacksmith and served the last King of Slom, but he was trampled to death by accident. After that, it was decided to settle the orphan in the royal menagerie. Karroch grew up among the royal court animals, monkeys, lions, deer, and other animals that were so rare that not even every person knew or believed that they existed. When the boy was seven years old, one researcher brought a creature nobody never seen before to the king. When the beast appeared in front of the king, it was chained and began to speak, but its mouth did not move. All his words were about one thing: a call for freedom. These pleas only made the king laugh, and he ordered the beast to entertain him. But the proud creature refused, and at the same moment, the king struck him with the Mad Scepter and ordered the guards to imprison the creature. For the following months, Karroch secretly brought medicine and food to the imprisoned beast. But this only delayed the inevitable death of the prisoner. The beast began to speak without words to Karroch. Time passed, and the bond between the animal and the boy grew so strong that the boy found he could hold up his end of a conversation. This influenced the boy so much that he could start talking to the rest of the Royal Menagerie creatures. But soon, the rage seized the boy, on the night when this wonderful beast died. He opened the cages in the Royal Menagerie and sent them to rebellion against the king and his minions. The animals got out on the territory of the palace, and chaos began. The last king was torn to pieces in this confusion. The king's stag bowed to the boy in gratitude for his release and allowed himself to be saddled. Riding on him, Beastmaster jumped over the castle walls and fled. Many years have passed since that day, but Karroch has not lost his gift to communicate with wild animals. The orphaned boy became a fierce warrior of nature.

Dota 2 Huskar Hero Description

How to play for Huskar

Hero Huskar Dota 2 is a character who prefers a hard lane and will cause great discomfort to the enemy's carry. He is one of the strongest heroes of the first level due to his initial stats. A bonus is his abilities, with the help of which the hero will be useful throughout the game since they give allied heroes a good advantage. Since the character is primarily team-oriented, it is worth understanding that you need to have good micro and macro control skills. The Beastmaster counterpick should be very balanced, as the hero can both interact well with the team and push lanes quickly.


  • Wild Axes is the character's first ability. The character throws his axes in the selected point, which will cut trees and damage all enemies, after which they will return to their owner. Enemies that have been hit by the ability for a certain time will begin to receive more damage from the hero and all creatures under his control. Therefore, this ability works well both with the second ability of the character and the items Necronomicon and Helm of the Dominator.
  • The second skill of the character - Call of the Wild Boar - Beastmaster can summon a boar. It will be handy both at the beginning and at the end of the game. When a creature attacks an enemy, the latter will receive negative effects from poison, such as slowing movement and attack speed. The duration of the debuffs is 3 seconds and will refresh each time the creature hits.
  • The third skill of the character - Call of the Wild Hawk - Beastmaster can summon a hawk. The hero summons an invisible hawk for 60 seconds, which has good vision. Great for scouting enemy territory or getting information about the movement of an opponent on the map.
  • The character's passive skill - Inner Beast - works like an aura, the hero and all allies within the range of which receive an increase in attack speed. This ability will be beneficial not only for the team but also for the hero, especially if he has many creatures under his control, increasing attack speed.
  • Ultimate ability Primal Roar - the character emits a roar of such power that the enemy whose target will be this skill will receive stun and damage. All other opponents will be pushed back between the character and the target. Also, all enemies in the radius will take damage, slowing attack speed, and movement. The character himself and all controlled creatures will receive a 40% increase in movement speed for 3 seconds.
  • When buying Aghanim's Scepter, the character's first ability gets an upgrade. Now the character does not have a cooldown for the ability and can use it after returning the axes to the hero.
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Talent Tree

+2% Wild Axes Damage Amp Per Stack
5% Inner Beast Magic Resist
+10 Inner Beast Attack Speed
+20 Movespeed Aura to Beastmaster and his units
+250 Max Health Aura to Beastmaster and his units
+30 Damage to Beastmaster and his units
-30s Primal Roar Cooldown
No Wild Axes Cooldown
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Main Attribute

+ 2.9
+ 1.6
+ 1.2

Main Stats

Movement speed :
Sight range :
Armor :
Base attack time :
Damage :
26 - 30
Attack point :

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