Witch Doctor Dota 2

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Witch Doctor
- Support, Nuker, Disabler

Hero Witch Doctor guide in Dota 2 - Full Review

Hero story of Witch Doctor

History of Witch Doctor Dota 2 – healer for some, a killer for others. A wiry silhouette is limping forward. He has jagged features, mutilated limbs, and a strange gait. He walks leisurely across the battlefield, searching for a vital weakness in the enemy's army, where his talents can do the best and the most harm. It is not clear whether he was born this way or something happened to him, but it is still impossible to doubt the power contained in this disfigured body. Zharvakko, whom everyone knows as the Witch Doctor, strikes a long staff on the ground as if telling everyone around that he is already walking, deploying all his terrible arsenal of curses and spells amulets, and conspiracies. This knowledge stored in his body is only his merit. He studied and refined over several life cycles in the highlands of Arcturus. Now he uses all his knowledge, which was gained by back-breaking labor, with extraordinary skill and accuracy against his enemies. Zharvakko can be your best friend or your worst enemy. When he walks across the battlefield, behind him, the wiry and mutilated Witch Doctor, are only enemies killed in terrible agony, healed allies.

Dota 2 Witch Doctor Hero Description

How to play for Witch Doctor

Hero Witch Doctor Dota 2 is a supporting character with a ranged attack type. Most often, he chooses the position of full support, since with the help of his abilities he helps the allied carry perfectly. Of the bonuses, it can be noted that the character will be strong at all stages of the game, as it has good physical and magical damage. Therefore, it is very important to make a good Witch Doctor counterpick.


  • Paralyzing Cask is the first character ability that will be useful for team battles and playing on the lane. The hero releases a spell at the target that will bounce off enemies. When bouncing, the spell deals damage and slows the enemy's movement speed by applying a short stun effect. With this ability, the hero can both help in the fight and push the lines.
  • The second skill of the Witch Doctor mod is Voodoo Restoration. This skill cannot be removed or dispelled. The hero in the area around him will restore health to all allies. The skill is applied and has no duration. As long as the hero has mana, the skill will work as a passive effect.
  • The third ability of the Maledict character, when used, a cursed mark is imposed on a certain area. All enemies in the area will be cursed. The spell will inflict damage every second, and also target will receive periodic damage, which will depend on the amount of health that the target lost when the ability began. With talent, this will be 55% of the lost health. Because the ability deals damage in a% ratio, it will be useful at all game stages. The ability cannot be dispelled even with the Black King Bar.
  • Ultimate ability Death Ward is an ability that allows a character to summon a totem that will automatically attack enemy heroes within range. Also, the character himself can choose a target for attack. The ability can only be stopped if you stun, silence, or kill Witch Doctor. When using the ability, the character will standstill, as he must support the spell.
  • When purchasing an Aghanim's Scepter item, your ultimate gains an upgrade. The totem's attacks will have the effect of True Strike. Also, the attacks of the totem will bounce from some enemies to others that are nearby.
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Paralyzing Cask
Mana :
80 / 100 / 120 / 140
Cooldown :
20 / 18 / 16 / 14
Launches a cask of paralyzing powder that ricochets between enemy units, stunning and damaging those it hits. Each bounce deals more damage than the previous one. Deals 150% damage to creeps.
Voodoo Restoration
Mana :
35 / 40 / 45 / 50
Cooldown :
Witch Doctor focuses his magic to heal nearby allied units, costing Witch Doctor mana every second Voodoo Restoration is active.
Mana :
105 / 110 / 115 / 120
Cooldown :
30 / 26 / 22 / 18
Curses all enemy Heroes in a small area, causing them to take a set amount of damage each second, as well as bursts of damage every 4 seconds based on how much health they have lost since the curse began.
Voodoo Switcheroo
Mana :
Cooldown :
Turns Witch Doctor into a Death Ward briefly with reduced attack speed. He is hidden during this time.
Death Ward
Mana :
Cooldown :
100 / 90 / 80
CHANNELED - Summons a deadly ward to attack enemy heroes within its attack range. Lasts a maximum of 8 seconds. Death Ward has 50% bonus accuracy.

Talent Tree

+75 Maledict AoE
-25% Voodoo Restoration Mana Per Second
+300 Health
+2 Cask Bounces
+25% Maledict Burst Damage
+75 Death Ward Attack Range
+45 Death Ward Damage
+2% Max Health Voodoo Restoration Heal
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Main Attribute

+ 2.1
+ 1.4
+ 3.1

Main Stats

Movement speed :
Sight range :
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Damage :
48 - 58
Attack point :

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