Tiny Dota 2

Popularity :
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- Carry, Nuker, Pusher, Initiator, Durable, Disabler

Hero Tiny guide in Dota 2 - Full Review

Hero story of Tiny

The history of Tiny Dota 2 - a piece of stone. Tiny's origins are a mystery, and there wouldn't be a day when he didn't think about it. Now Tiny is a stone giant, but the question still torments him, who he really was before. He is a broken off the heel of some Golem? Or maybe he was a shard that was knocked down by a skilled sculptor while creating a stone gargoyle. Or perhaps a fragment of Garos, the prophetic face? Tiny is driven by a deep curiosity that motivates him to travel around the world. Without fatigue, Tiny is trying to find creatures like him, maybe close ones, or at least clues about his origin. During her travels, Tiny becomes more and more massive, gaining weight and size. The power that Tiny possesses crushes stones and rocks, which then join him and, as a result, make the Tiny more and more powerful.<.p>

Dota 2 Tiny Hero Description

How to play for Tiny

Hero Tiny Dota 2 is an excellent character who suits both the position of the mider and the hardliner or roamer. Tiny doesn't have its own agility gain, but it makes up for it with tremendous damage from abilities. His skills are well suited for breaking through shields, and he is good at slowing down the movement of enemy players. A powerful assistant for his team, both from the side of defense and attack. Because of this, Tiny's counterpick should be extremely good.


  • Skill Tiny mod Tree Grab allows the hero to pull out the nearest tree, this will cause a cleave effect to his attacks, and also it will increase the damage dealt with opponents. Tiny can also throw a tree at the enemy. The effect of this skill ends after a certain number of hits.
  • Ability Avalanche - Tiny throws heaps of stones on opponents that stun them and inflict damage. This will slow down the enemy's speed. The bonus is that this ability works well with the next skill.
  • Toss - a skill that allows Tiny to throw the nearest unit at the selected target. Also, this skill will deal triple damage if the enemy is under the influence of Avalanche.
  • Ultimate ability Grow - increases both damage and defense of Tiny, raise him in size, but significantly reduces the attack speed.
  • When buying an Aghanim's Scepter item, Tiny gains the Tree Volley ability, with which he can throw trees at a specified point.
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Mana :
95 / 110 / 125 / 140
Cooldown :
23 / 20 / 17 / 14
Bombards an area with rocks, continously doing small intervals of damage and stun to enemy units. Avalanche does 100% bonus damage to units being tossed
Mana :
110 / 125 / 140 / 155
Cooldown :
20 / 17 / 14 / 11
Grabs the nearest unit in a 300 radius around Tiny, ally or enemy, and launches it at the target unit or rune to deal damage where they land.
Tree Grab
Mana :
Cooldown :
16 / 15 / 14 / 13
Grabs a tree to whack enemies on the head for a limited number of attacks. Grants bonus attack range. Attacks deal more damage and fully splash on units along the way. The tree can be thrown, to deal your attack to a unit at a distance.
Tree Volley
Mana :
Cooldown :
CHANNELED - Tiny channels to throw random trees within range towards the targeted area. Deals Tiny's attack damage to enemies in that area with each tree thrown.
Craggy Exterior
Mana :
Cooldown :
Enemies that attack Tiny receive a stacking debuff that lowers their attack damage with each stack.
Mana :
Cooldown :
Tiny gains craggy mass, increasing his attack damage, movement speed and armor, and toss power while slowing his attack speed.
Tree Throw
Mana :
Cooldown :
Throws the tree at the target unit, proccing your attack on it and splashing damage around the target.

Talent Tree

+8 Strength
+200 Avalanche Cast Range
+70 Avalanche Damage
-8% Grow Attack Speed Reduction
Toss Requires No Target
+60 Tree Grab Base Damage
2 Toss Charges
-8s Avalanche Cooldown
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Movement speed :
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