Dota 2
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History of Visage Dota 2 - the caretaker of the underworld.
History Visage Dota 2 - the caretaker of the underworld. At the Narrow Maze entrance, at the top, can see the looming outlines of mocking gargoyles sitting. They closely watch those who fall into this world forever. Birds and beasts, monsters, and people, all creatures that die or enter this afterlife world, will not be able to escape their gaze. An unattached spirit to the body, who once decided to get behind the curtain of death, will never get out of there. This is irrevocable. There is no turning back. But when a successful situation turns up, and a restless soul manages to escape by force or cunning from their hell and heaven, then the terrible gargoyle Visage, the material form of the eternal spirit of Nekro'lik, is sent after to bring her back. No one has yet been able to hide from the merciless Visage, not restrained by the principles of death and fatigue. He mercilessly pursues his victim, willingly destroying all who would dare to help the fugitive. Necro'lik does not know fatigue and peace, and as long as there are those who raise the dead, he will continue to seek and return everyone to their proper places.
Hero Visage Dota 2 is a character with a ranged attack type, who is most often chosen on the mid lane. Of the bonuses, it can be noted that the character has both high magic damage and physical damage. This is one of those unique heroes that do most of the damage not by himself but with Summons's help (familiars). Visages' total in-game damage is usually split 50/50 between its Summons (physical damage) and nuking spell (magic damage). This makes the hero quite versatile in terms of the choice of talents and items that will directly affect the distribution of damage. Therefore, it is essential to understand which Visage counterpick to choose.