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History of Phantom Assassin Dota 2 - Sister of the Veil. With the help of fortune-telling and rituals, this hidden community selects children for their upbringing and raises the best assassins. The Order of the Sisters of the Veil has existed for a very long time, and the main principle is that murder is part of the natural order. Murder targets are chosen through meditation, prophecy, and fortune-telling. The Order never accepts orders for murder and in no way pursues selfish or political goals. The Order's murders do not have any tendency and are not related to any organization. It may even seem that they are completely random. The chances of being killed are equal for everyone: both for rich people in power and ordinary poor peasants. Whoever is the target and whatever the motive is for this - only the Sisters of the Veil know. The Order treats victims as sacrifices and believes that it is an honor for anyone to die at their hands. Each Phantom Assassin is brought up without personal, only with faith in their Order and its moral values. Therefore, the place of one member of the Order can easily be taken by another since the number of Phantom Assassin is unknown. Maybe there are a lot of them, but maybe there are only a few of them. Nothing is known about the Order and what he and his sisters hide behind their phantom veils. Except that from time to time, when no one is around, one of them can stir her veils with the forbidden whisper of her name - Mortred.
Hero Phantom Assassin Dota 2 is a melee carry character who prefers an easy lane. An unusually strong hero capable of dealing with colossal amounts of physical damage. Since the character needs items to unleash his potential, she needs good lane support at the beginning of the game and spacing in the middle of the game. After getting the items she needs, Phantom Assassin transforms into a killing machine that is very difficult to stop. The character does not have a high speed of movement, but this is compensated by her skills and makes her incredibly mobile. If you do not want to be killed in one hit, you should choose Phantom Assassin counterpick to survive it.