Necrophos releases a wave of death around him, dealing damage to enemy units and healing allied units.
Ghost Shroud
Mana :
Cooldown :
Necrophos slips into the realm that separates the living from the dead. Unable to attack or be attacked, he emits an aura that slows enemies around him. He takes additional magic damage in this form, but his restorative powers are amplified.
Heartstopper Aura
Mana :
Cooldown :
Necrophos stills the hearts of his opponents, causing nearby enemy units to lose a percentage of their max health over time.
Death Seeker
Mana :
Cooldown :
Necrophos turns into a large Death Pulse towards the target unit's position. Once it arrives to the location, the Death Pulse spreads towards nearby enemies and allies.
Mana :
Cooldown :
Necrophos gains stacking regen for 8 seconds for each unit he kills. Hero kills multiply the effect.
Reaper's Scythe
Mana :
250 / 375 / 500
Cooldown :
Stuns the target enemy hero, then deals damage based on how much life it is missing. If Necrophos kills an enemy this way, he'll permanently gain Health and Mana Regen. Any kill under this effect is credited to Necrophos.
Talent Tree
+2s Sadist Stack Duration
+125 Reaper's Scythe Cast Range
+50 Death Pulse Heal
+20% Ghost Shroud Movement Slow
+25% Heartstopper Regen Reduction
+15% Ghost Shroud Self Restoration Amp
-2.5s Death Pulse Cooldown
+0.5% Heartstopper Aura Damage
Recommended Items
Start game
Early game
- 15:00
Mid game
- 35:00
Late game
Last Articles
How to Counter Necrophos
Now we will figure out how to counter Necrophos, which counter pick of Necrophos is best suited, and how to counter the ultimate ability of Necrophos.