Mars Dota 2

Popularity :
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- Carry, Initiator, Disabler, Durable

Hero Mars guide in Dota 2 - Full Review

Hero story of Mars

History of Mars Dota 2 - the first son of heaven. Mars has waged an endless war throughout its long life. He saw a lot of bloodshed of the Crusades, which took place under the banner of his old name. These were unjust wars of conquest and just wars of revenge, but they were all ruthless. Like his father, Mars indulged his unchanging impulses and instincts, but his son's intentions were much more monstrous than those of Zeus. This caused unprecedented world suffering. But as the ages passed one by one, the contempt of the gods of the pantheon for Mars grew, as did the selfishness of Zeus. One war was no longer enough to satisfy Mars and all his desires. For the first time in all his immortality, the God of War began to ask himself only one question, why did he still brandish his spear? And once, fate itself answered the question that tormented him. Mars should inspire with his guise, not just cruelty and sadness, but awaken in himself and people the highest goal during battles and wars. The hero must finally become the leader, which is destined for him from birth since the time has come to burn down the pantheon of old gods and build a new empire in this place. Only then will Mars be able to find satisfaction and glorify its own all over the world.

Dota 2 Mars Hero Description

How to play for Mars

Hero Mars Dota 2 is a melee character who feels excellent on the offlane. You can also see this hero pick in the mid lane. In the game, Mars acts as an initiator or tank. Mars has excellent protection due to the shield and an adequate supply of health. The bonus will be his great potential at all stages of the game. It is essential to come up with a Mars counterpick as early as possible if the opposing team has chosen it.


  • The first ability of Mars is Spear of Mars. The character releases his spear into the selected place, which deals with damage to health and pushes away the first enemy in its path. If the spear touches an obstacle, the opponent will be stunned. This ability is excellent for slowing down the speed of the movement of the opposing team on the map.
  • The Mars mod skill of God's Rebuke can deal with increased critical damage in a small area in front of Mars. Also, this skill will push away all opponents who were in the radius of the ability.
  • Ability Bulwark - works both passively and actively. The passive skill increases defense against attacks, reducing physical damage to the front and sides of the character. When activated, Mars cannot attack, his movement speed will be significantly reduced, and he will look in a specific direction, but will receive significantly less damage and will be able to protect allied team players.
  • Ultimate ability Arena of Blood, Mars creates in a certain area arena that does not allow enemies to leave it and stuns when they touch its bound. The ability also blocks all attacks of enemies in the arena range. This ability works well with Spear of Mars, as the hero can stun the opponent against the arena wall.
  • When purchasing an Aghanim's Scepter item, God's Rebuke skill will receive a reduced recharge time.
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Spear of Mars
Mana :
100 / 110 / 120 / 130
Cooldown :
14 / 13 / 12 / 11
Mars throws his legendary Spear with deadly precision, damaging each enemy unit it strikes. The first enemy hero it hits is skewered on the spear, pushing it back. If a skewered hero hits a tree, building, or cliff, they will be impaled to it and stunned.
God's Rebuke
Mana :
Cooldown :
Mars smashes enemies in front of him with his shield, knocking them back and damaging them with a critical hit based on his attack. Bonus damage is added when hitting heroes. Has True Strike.
Mana :
Cooldown :
Mars wields his massive shield to block a portion of each physical attack when hit from the front or sides. Can be toggled, granting phased movement, removing Mars's ability to attack, and locking the direction he is facing. When active, reduces movement speed and re-directs 70% of the attack projectiles aimed at Mars's allies towards Mars instead.
Arena Of Blood
Mana :
150 / 200 / 250
Cooldown :
100 / 95 / 90
After a short formation time, Mars summons an arena lined with the undead warriors of the Ash Legion, who block enemy attacks and movement. Enemy heroes near the inside edge of the arena will be attacked by spears, dealing damage and knocking them back.

Talent Tree

+30% Bulwark Active Redirect Chance
+100 God's Rebuke Distance
+100 Spear Of Mars Damage
-3s God's Rebuke Cooldown
+0.6s Spear of Mars Stun
+12%/+6% Bulwark Front/Side damage reduction
Arena Of Blood Grants Team +180 HP Regen
God's Rebuke +65% Crit
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Main Attribute

+ 3.7
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Main Stats

Movement speed :
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