Monkey King Dota 2

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Monkey King
- Carry, Escape, Disabler, Initiator

Hero Monkey King guide in Dota 2 - Full Review

Hero story of Monkey King

The history of Monkey King Dota 2 - the king of mischief. The history of Monkey King Dota 2 - the king of mischief. For five hundred years, the mountain pressed on Sun Wukong. Only the head was not under this crushing pressure of a prison of stone. That's way elder Gods decided to punish Wukong for his childhood rebellion. Moss sprouted along his face, and grass sprouted from behind his ears, wildflowers bloomed before his eyes, sprouting from the soil on the cheeks that framed his gaze. Only legends circulated about Wukong, while everyone considered him long dead in agony after the war with heaven. But those same legends said that Monkey King could not die. Sun Wukong simply endured and waited for the Gods to turn to him again. And when they came to say the price of redemption, Monkey King agreed to their terms. Wukong made a promise that he would accompany to protect and save from dangers on the road and demons the young man, who was to get home with the relic. The parting speech sounded from heaven: "If you keep your promise and obediently obey the young man who serves as a holy mission to the Gods, then we will spare Wukong and save you from the disgrace of heaven." For a change, Sun Wukong nevertheless kept his word with honor and thus atoned for all his sins of past uprisings. The young novice, having learned much in adversity, nevertheless returned to his home temple with the relic in his hand. And Sun Wukong became one of the Gods of the Pantheon, and for a time, he even contented himself with giving up his thirst for glory and adventure. But Wukong was born to be a naughty person... what could be better than mischief over the gods?

Dota 2 Axe Hero Description

How to play for Monkey King

Monkey King Dota 2 is a melee character who acts as a carry. Of the bonuses, this hero has an increased attack radius compared to other melee characters. Most often, players choose Monkey King to the center lane or the easy lane. Due to its abilities, it shows itself perfectly at all stages of the game. The enemy team should be conscientious since the Monkey King counterpick is chosen on a situational basis.


  • Monkey King Mod Mischief skill - becomes available from the beginning of the game. This ability is able to change the shape of the hero, which confuse the enemy or give an advantage to the Monkey King. The change of shape depends on the environment and provides invulnerability for 0.2 seconds.
  • Ability Boundless Strike - great for dealing with good damage to the opponent's health. Besides, the ability will deal critical damage, be able to break any shield and break through the defense. This ability will stun and dodge the hit is impossible. All orb effects are combined with this skill.
  • Tree Dance, an ability that does not cost mana and allows the hero to jump on a tree and then move around the rest. It is combined well with an ability like Primal Spring, which deals with damage in the area where Monkey King lands after jumping out of a tree and slows down enemies' movement speed. But you should be very careful because if the enemy destroys the tree on which Wukong is located, he will be stunned from falling for 4 seconds.
  • Passive ability Jingu Mastery - accumulates charges on the enemy. After four successful attacks, for a certain time, Monkey King's attacks will gain the ability to vampirism and additional damage for the next four hits.
  • Ultimate ability Wukong's Command can create a circular arena in which there are clones of Monkey King, which have the same attack power as the original. The original itself gains additional armor in the area. If the character goes out of bounds, then the ultimate ability will end ahead of time. With the help of talents, this ability can be improved.
  • When buying an item, Aghanim's Scepter - the hero will every 3.5 seconds create his invulnerable copy nearby, which can attack both heroes and buildings. The ability will not work if the hero is in a tree or invisible.

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Boundless Strike
Mana :
85 / 90 / 95 / 100
Cooldown :
Monkey King enlarges his staff and slams it against the ground, stunning enemies in a line and damaging them with bonus damage and a critical hit based on his attack. Has True Strike.
Tree Dance
Mana :
Cooldown :
1.4 / 1.2 / 1 / 0.8
Monkey King jumps to a tree and perches atop it. While perched, he gains the Primal Spring ability-a channeled leap attack. If Monkey King's tree is destroyed, he falls and is stunned for 4 seconds. Taking damage while on the ground puts Tree Dance on cooldown.
Primal Spring
Mana :
Cooldown :
18 / 16 / 14 / 12
CHANNELED - Monkey King springs out from his tree perch, damaging and slowing enemies in the area where he lands. Damage and slow amounts are in proportion to channel duration.
Jingu Mastery
Mana :
Cooldown :
Monkey King's attacks awaken the Jingu Bang's power. Upon the fourth hit on the same enemy hero, Monkey King earns 4 charged attacks that have bonus damage and lifesteal.
Mana :
Cooldown :
Changes Monkey King's shape to deceive opponents, using the environment nearby as inspiration for the disguise. Taking damage, attacking, or using any item or ability breaks Monkey King's disguise. Grants damage immunity for 0.2 seconds upon transforming.
Wukong's Command
Mana :
Cooldown :
100 / 90 / 80
Monkey King creates a circular formation of soldiers that spread out from his position. If Monkey King leaves the area his soldiers disperse. The soldiers have Monkey King's attack and only target heroes. Monkey King is granted bonus armor for the spell's duration.
Revert Form
Mana :
Cooldown :
Reverts Monkey King's shape to his original form.

Talent Tree

+0.2s Boundless Strike Stun Duration
+100 Primal Spring Max Damage
+110 Jingu Mastery Damage
+450 Tree Dance Cast Range
+60% Boundless Strike Critical Damage
0 Cooldown Primal Spring
Additional Wukong's Command Ring
-1 Jingu Mastery Required Hits
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Main Attribute

+ 2.8
+ 3.7
+ 1.8

Main Stats

Movement speed :
Sight range :
Armor :
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Damage :
53 - 57
Attack point :

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