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The history of Monkey King Dota 2 - the king of mischief. The history of Monkey King Dota 2 - the king of mischief. For five hundred years, the mountain pressed on Sun Wukong. Only the head was not under this crushing pressure of a prison of stone. That's way elder Gods decided to punish Wukong for his childhood rebellion. Moss sprouted along his face, and grass sprouted from behind his ears, wildflowers bloomed before his eyes, sprouting from the soil on the cheeks that framed his gaze. Only legends circulated about Wukong, while everyone considered him long dead in agony after the war with heaven. But those same legends said that Monkey King could not die. Sun Wukong simply endured and waited for the Gods to turn to him again. And when they came to say the price of redemption, Monkey King agreed to their terms. Wukong made a promise that he would accompany to protect and save from dangers on the road and demons the young man, who was to get home with the relic. The parting speech sounded from heaven: "If you keep your promise and obediently obey the young man who serves as a holy mission to the Gods, then we will spare Wukong and save you from the disgrace of heaven." For a change, Sun Wukong nevertheless kept his word with honor and thus atoned for all his sins of past uprisings. The young novice, having learned much in adversity, nevertheless returned to his home temple with the relic in his hand. And Sun Wukong became one of the Gods of the Pantheon, and for a time, he even contented himself with giving up his thirst for glory and adventure. But Wukong was born to be a naughty person... what could be better than mischief over the gods?
Monkey King Dota 2 is a melee character who acts as a carry. Of the bonuses, this hero has an increased attack radius compared to other melee characters. Most often, players choose Monkey King to the center lane or the easy lane. Due to its abilities, it shows itself perfectly at all stages of the game. The enemy team should be conscientious since the Monkey King counterpick is chosen on a situational basis.
More popular than the Dust II map can only be the same, but in an updated form in Counter-Strike: Global Offensive. In CS GO, the Dust 2 map has a new design. Textures, objects and the external environment were worked out. But the overall game pattern has not changed. The location remains the same, albeit … Continue reading Dust 2 is an icon map for fans of Counter-Strike
Counter-Strike: Global Offensive has a lot of customization options. Many beginners and even some professionals are interested in reducing the net graph so that it does not take up half the screen and does not interfere with using the necessary millimeters for shooting. Each player can change the size of the indicator and its place … Continue reading How to reduce net_graph, and why do it?
Esports fans are well aware of the possibilities of add-ons for the game. For example, the Dota Plus subscription is very popular among users. Thanks to her, gamers can: – Easy to navigate in the process of searching for characters. Tips are displayed on the screen, having received which, it is easier to choose the … Continue reading How to cancel a Dota Plus subscription for users?
There are many different terms and actions in Dota 2 that seem outlandish at first. One of these puzzles is how to last hit your creeps and why do it? During training, each player must understand the primary rule of Dota 2: money can be obtained only after the complete destruction of the opponent. It … Continue reading How to last hit your creeps, and why do you need it?
Many players upgrade their Dota 2 MMR using different methods. Everyone tries to act honestly, occasionally resorting to donations – buying items and power-ups for real money. Dota 2 boost refers to the legal rank gain for winning an increased amount. This is an excellent option for improving results quickly, which cannot be said about … Continue reading Dota 2 MMR Boost – how to become a pro but not spend your whole life?
In Dota 2, Roshan is one of the essential neutral creeps. If you kill him, you can get many experience, gold, and valuable resources. But the hero is powerful. It is challenging to cope with him alone. Next is the material that tells who Roshan is, where to find him, defeat him, and what items … Continue reading Roshan Dota 2 – who is he and how can be useful
Counter-Strike: Global Offensive has a free flight feature that allows players to explore map features, look for bugs, look for interesting places for sniper ambushes and other tactics, or record video. But not everyone knows how to fly through walls in CS: GO because there is no such option in the public settings menus of … Continue reading How to fly in CS:GO: practical tips for players
Despite the fact that Dota is already an exciting esports discipline, it can be made even more gambling entertainment thanks to the prediction of victory. For example, at the start of a match in Dota 2 in the game chat, you can often see that one of the players predicted his future victory. Dota 2 … Continue reading How to predict victory in Dota 2
This article will talk about what a Dota 2 bonus hero is. The most popular questions on the topic: What character pool does the bonus hero option imply? Bonus hero is selected from 10 options What bonus items come with it? Two free mangoes How to get a random hero? Using the Random Hero Button … Continue reading Dota 2 and bonus hero