Clinkz is a very dangerous hero. He has very serious physical damage, good attack, and movement speed. A significant amount of health when using Death Pact, and is also able to become invisible. Perfectly destroys single targets and enemy towers. If we talk about how to counter Clinkz, then the most important thing is, of course, the coordinated work of the team. You should see a map because buying wards will be a big plus. Also, you should always follow the movements of Clinkz.
How to counter Clinkz
Wards – like all heroes who possess invisibility, it is essential for Clinkz to always be in the shadows. He feels extremely uncomfortable if he is still in sight. This means that it’s harder for him to kill. Also, whenever possible, the team should always have Dust of Appearance available. It is also very important from the first minutes of the game not to give him freedom of action and try to kill him. After a bad start, it will be much harder for the hero to reveal his potential. It is not so important to choose the right Clinkz counter pick, how to play together. A push strategy with Necronomicon 3 is excellent. Then it will be tough for Clinkz to approach your team unnoticed.
Clinkz counter pick
An excellent counter pick of Clinkz is Phantom Lancer, Naga Siren, Meepo, Chaos Knight.
This hero is easily opposed by characters who have illusions. Although the Clinkz has a strong attack, it only works on one target, up to talent at level 25. Therefore, it is worth trying to finish the game until the character receives it.
Clinkz counter pick in the mid lane
Templar Assassin
This character is able to withstand significant damage due to Refraction. She gets gold well on the line and also beats the opponent with Psi Blades. With the help of the ultimate ability, it is tough to run away from her. With Dust of Appearance or ward, she quickly kills Clinkz.
Queen of Pain
It is very difficult to get gold to the opponent, which he needs. It has strong magical damage. And also can quickly get away from danger with Blink. With Dust of Appearance or ward, it quickly kills Clinkz.
Outworld Devourer
Arcane Orb steals intelligence and mana. And without mana, the Clinkz become helpless. Astral Imprisonment will not allow to initiate or kill you, and it will also interfere with the lane game. Great for all stages of the game. In the beginning, if you have Dust of Appearance or ward, it quickly kills Clinkz.
The laser is a great way to leave your opponent far behind. This ability will help you protect the enemy hero from gold mining, and it will prevent to kill you. But in turn, Tinker can kill the enemy if there is a presence of Dust of Appearance or ward.
Very high speed of movement, excellent health regeneration. Incapacitating Bite slows the enemy down and makes him miss. Therefore, it is perfect at all stages of the game.
Clinkz counters
- – Slardar- ultimate ability shows invisible characters and reduces armor.
- – Bloodseeker- able to quickly catch up with an opponent. It also shows invisible characters in low health.
- – Spirit Breaker- everywhere catches up with the enemy, can also show the whereabouts of the hero, if he managed to make Charge.
- – Bounty Hunter – an ultimate ability created to control invisible heroes.
- – Zeus is capable of detecting invisible characters and objects with his second skill.
🧩 Klinkz very dangerous character. He has great physical damage, a good attack speed and movement. A great amount of health while using Death Pact, as well as capable of becoming invisible. Excellent destroying single targets and enemy towers.
🧩 Most important thing is teamwork. You should see the map, because the purchase of wards will be a big plus. Also, you should always monitor the movements Klinkz
🧩 Klinkz for important to be always in the shade. He feels very uncomfortable, if he is constantly on the mind.