Who are the carry heroes in Dota 2?

All Dota 2 roles are carry, mider, offlaner, semi-support and full support. And the first one is one of the most important. This guide will focus on it in more detail.

What is carry in Dota 2?

Carry is precisely the type of hero on whom the fate of the game largely depends. In Dota, they are the so-called game makers. Therefore, an inexperienced player who plays with a carry character can quickly become the reason for the defeat of his own team. For the chosen character to perform well, it is essential to understand the basic principles and subtleties of playing for him.

How to play with carry Dota 2?

Anyone who plays the role of a carry in his team must be attentive to every little thing. This approach will have an extremely positive effect on the player’s performance and the successful outcome of the match for the entire team. First of all, you need to pay attention to:

  • correct pick (carry needs to be chosen wisely so as not to run into the opponent’s counter-pick);
  • proper positioning on the game map (choosing a lane for the best farming);
  • competent initial purchases;
  • a good understanding of the tasks assigned to the player;
  • the presence of all the necessary artefacts at least by the middle of the game.

Often, gradations are used to determine the degree of efficiency in the game. For example, hard carries in Dota 2 are characters who can easily cope with both two and many more opponents in a late game. However, an essential condition for a successful match are artefacts: without them, hard carry is a real burden for teammates, confidently pulling the team to an uncontested loss.

The best Dota 2 carries for beginners

Dota 2 players have long debated which carries are best for gamers with little experience. But the gaming community will never come to a consensus on this issue since the choice of character is a matter of personal preference in the control mechanics. However, a certain shortlist includes the top carry of Dota 2 and demonstrates the list of the most suitable heroes for this role. So, here are the very easy carries in Dota 2:

  • Phantom Assassin;
  • Anti-mage;
  • Ursa;
  • Void;
  • Phantom Lancer;
  • Spectre;
  • Troll Warlord;
  • Chaos Knight;
  • Lifestealer;
  • Medusa.

It is these heroes that are top-ranked for beginners, according to the majority of gamers. Which one to choose will depend on the player’s personal preferences, playing skills, team pick, opponent’s pick, and other equally essential conditions.


Who is carry in Dota?

У керри Дота 2 основная роль в игре, тогда как все остальные оказывают ему посильную помощь.

What carries to choose for Dota 2 newbies?

The best Dota 2 carry for beginners is Chaos Knight, Anti-mage, Specter, Medusa, Void, Ursa, Phantom Assassin, Phantom Lancer, Troll Warlord and Lifestealer.

Avada Kedavra

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