The best Dota 2 heroes for newbies

There are many characters in Dota 2, and each one has its characteristics and pros and cons. In addition, they are all characterized by a reasonably high complexity of the game. But fortunately for aspiring gamers, there is a whole list of heroes that are relatively easy to play.

This guide will allow everyone to determine which Dota 2 characters are easy to play and available for beginners in this mega-popular online game.

Best heroes for Dota 2 newbies: table

Wraith KingThe most straightforward carry in Dota 2 to control. He has two active abilities: summon skeletons and stun. In addition to an impressive supply of health, he is revived after his first death due to his ultimate ability.
JuggernautDiffers in elementary gameplay: the essence of the strategy when playing as a hero is to farm creeps with an auto-attack and kill enemies with an ultimate ability. Other advantages include a well-animated attack, a significant increase in agility and excellent survivability.
Chaos KnightStrong melee carry hero with strength as the primary stat. A decent amount of health also characterizes it. Reaching level 12 and collecting essential artefacts, you can safely attack enemy supports and cores.
UrsaSimple but powerful melee carry. Its key characteristic is a passive ability that stacks after hitting and increases damage.
ZeusA very easy to control Dota 2 mid lane hero, which can inflict significant damage on the entire opposing team at once. And literally from anywhere on the map.
SniperThe Sniper has a simple gameplay: he is only required to farm slots and occasionally take part in a fight. Due to its long-range attack, Sniper allows you to shoot from a safe position. You will have to hit with an auto-attack most of the time, sometimes using one skill and an ultimate.
BristlebackAn uncomplicated character with excellent survivability. Moreover, Bristleback is the strongest hero, able to resist the entire opposing team independently. At the same time, the player has only a couple of buttons at his disposal since Bristle has only two active skills.
Legion CommanderAn easy-to-manage, but strong character, who is most often used on a responsible line. The key feature of this hero is that he has a duel for a victory in which permanent damage is given. The latter can eventually become so powerful that it can destroy the opponent’s throne with a few blows.
Ogre MagiA top-rated but easy-to-manage support hero. It has excellent survivability due to its simply vast supply of health.
LionThe very popular Dota 2 support has two robust controls: stun and hex. In addition, he can burn mana from several opponent characters at the same time. Playing as Leon is pretty easy since his directional skills make it difficult to miss, thanks to their use.

These are all the top heroes for Dota 2 beginners. All of them are perfect for beginners, as they have simple gameplay and standard game tactics.


What hero should a newbie player pick in Dota 2?

The best characters for newbies in Dota 2 are Ursa, Wraith King, Zeus, Juggernaut, Legion Commander, Bristleback, Ogre Magi, Lion, Chaos Knight, Sniper.

What are the best carries for beginners in Dota 2?

In Dota 2, the best heroes for carry beginners are Wraith King, Sven and Ursa.

What are the best supports for Dota 2 newbies?

The optimal Dota heroes for newbies looking to play a support role are Undying, Clockwerk, Jakiro, Ogre Magi, Lich and Warlock.

Avada Kedavra

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