Counter pick SF DotA 2

Let’s consider some possible options.

  • – how to counter SF
  • – counter pick SF in the mid
  • – counter pick SF Carry
  • – counter pick SF DotA 2 support
  • – counter picks SF gankers

How to counter SF

A couple of kills at the beginning of the game will make his return to the game very difficult. First of all, we need wards and ganks in mid. To make the SF feel as uncomfortable as possible on the line.

Counter pick SF in the mid lane


Decrepify – transfers you to the astral and does not allow to inflict physical damage on your character. This is the first obstacle for SF to kill you.

Nether Ward — ward placed on high ground will allow you to inflict damage to SF in a radius if it tries to hit you with a spell.


Контр пики СФ не контр пики если это не Снайпер.

Shrapnel — will continuously force the SF to keep a distance, since Blink Dagger will always be on cool down.

Take Aim and Headshot — allows you to keep your distance and comfortably farm without fear of Shadowrazes.


Arc Lightning — as in the case of the Sniper, an excellent remote attack that will prevent the enemy from using Shadowrazes on you.

Thundergod’s Wrath and Lightning Bolt — significant damage to the SF, also helps to detect invisible characters, which will be your salvation if the SF buy Shadow Blade

Templar Assassin

Refraction — gives your character protection from Shadowrazes. When SF using the ultimate ability, Requiem of Souls, Refraction will absorb half the damage, which will help you survive.

Psionic Trap — the correct location is the key to killing Shadow Fiend, the slowdown will work correctly for him, and his amount of health is not so significant that he would kill TA one on one.

Psi Blades — allows you to calmly farm at a distance and at the same time cause damage to the enemy.

Meld — bonus attack + decrease armor for 10 seconds. It allows you to kill the SF in three or four attacks from the hand.

Outworld Devourer

Идеальный контр пик, только из-за одной способности.
Astral Imprisonment — in any situation, you can hide yourself or your opponent in the astral. This will significantly prevent him from killing and farming on the line at an early game, which will further complicate his game.

Counter pick SF Carry

If the mid lane is already taken, and you need to counter SF, then there will be a selection of carry that will easily cope with this hero.


Earthshock — prevents the enemy from escaping and reaching the right distance for coils.

Overpower и Fury Swipes — erase the SF in a second.


Blade Fury — makes the hero immune to magic and Shadowraze and Requiem of Souls become useless.

Faceless Void

Time Dilation — an easy way to control Shadowraze.

Chronosphere — the dome allows you to make SF disabled for 5 seconds, which is enough for you to kill him.

Support Counter to SF DotA 2


Enfeeble — reduces the attack of SF.

Brain Sap— significant damage is inflicted continuously on the target since the SF has little health, an excellent nuke.

Nightmare — helps to prevent the SF from getting away from the ganks, which is very useful at the early game stage.

Fiend’s Grip — completely removes the enemy from the game, which is extremely useful in the team fight, can also kill him.


Glimpse and Kinetic Field — excellent skills that will not give a quiet life to SF at an early stage of the game.

Static Storm — stops the ultimate ability of the enemy.

Ganker Counter to SF

These heroes are ganking the SF for five-plus. And if you kill him a couple of times in the mid lane, returning to the game will be very difficult for him.

Bounty Hunter

Spirit Breaker

Nyx Assassin

How to play against SF

The most important thing is not to let him farm. Without farm, he will be very weak. It is necessary to act aggressively against SF, all the time to haras and beat him, both from hands and abilities. But do not forget about the coils, if you understand that your opponent’s mana will allow to enemy hero use all three, and you can’t dodge them, then try to ensure that your health level is always above half.

Control the mana of the SF, do not give him runes since he will have to spend time on returning to the base.

Gank him often. If the SF at the beginning of the game does not get the opportunity to farm, it will spend money on flasks or go to heal on the fountain, then consider that his game has already been destroyed.

  • – Rule of 3 coils: a character who dies from three coils is not a rival to SF. Do not select a character with a small amount of hp in the mid lane;
  • – Try not to choose a melee character on the line against the SF;
  • – Infused Raindrop is necessary for the purchase. They will help to survive after meeting with SF;
  • – Ganks but only in smokes, as SF can turn over the gank and punish supports.
🎮 How do you counteract the NF?

🧩 You have to counter it at the beginning of the game. A couple of kills at the beginning will make his return to the game very difficult. We need wards and gangs in the mussels first. To make the NF feel as uncomfortable as possible on the line.

🎮 What are the strengths of the NF?

🧩 Strong in close combat, can overturn a gang.

🎮 What are the weaknesses of the NF?

🧩 Speed and Health at Low Levels

Avada Kedavra

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