How to choose position in Dota 2

More often than not, beginners who have set themselves the goal of becoming professional players are lost, choosing a role for themselves and a hero who is comfortable to play. At the same time, the choice of a position in Dota is a rather important decision, which must be approached as carefully as possible.

Let’s briefly discuss the basic principles of choosing a hero:

Personal skill levelIt is better to opt for those characters that will allow you to demonstrate your best skills.
Team tactics for the gameIn a team cyber discipline like Dota 2, this is a significant landmark.
Opponent’s counter picksSuch a hero either contributes to the team strategy or counters an important enemy hero.
Meta characterThis hero has an advantage over other characters not due to the gamer’s skills but due to the lack of balance in the game.

What are the positions of Dota 2?

In Dota 2, the team component is one of the most important in the game. Thanks to this, the player’s power depends on the hero’s leveling and on the conditions that the team will form for him. In a professional game, characters have different roles. In Dota 2, positions are usually denoted by numbers that imply the value of the character for the team. Let’s take a closer look at the positions in Dota.

Positions in Dota 2 by numbers

  1. 1 – The first in the ranking is the carry player. He gets the main farming potential on the map. Heroes of this role bring maximum benefit towards the end of the game during buying artifacts. The most popular carries are Terrorblade, Drow Ranger, Specter, Sven, Juggernaut.
  2. 2 – 2nd position in Dota is mid-laner. He opposes a similar character in the mid-lane, where he mostly spends the early game. The benefits of it depend on the level of its pumping. He is useful in the mid-game, where he realizes his own advantage over other characters. The classic second-position heroes are Invoker, Tinker, Puck, Templar Assassin, Storm Spirit, Queen of Pain, and Lina.
  3. 3 – 3rd position in Dota 2 – offlaner. Offlaner heroes must play in difficult conditions while farming gold and level. They are often massive and tanky characters with abilities that allow them to escape from pursuit. The position 3 heroes of Dota 2 are Ax, Magnus, Underlord, and Tidehunter.
  4. 4 – Position 4 heroes are semi-supports. In addition to supporting (wards, smoke, dust), such characters focus on ganks, help with kills, and obtain the necessary artifacts and level for this. Position 4 of Dota 2 is often Skywrath Mage, Earth Spirit, and Tusk.
  5. 5 – Full supports. In Dota 2, position 5 supports act as an assistant to the team. Their abilities are quite enough to influence team play even without artifacts sufficiently. Heroes with buffs, disables, and stuns are optimal for this role. The goal of the support is to guarantee the team a successful start of the game and ensure calm farming for carry. In the character’s inventory, from personal artifacts, only consumables and boots are mainly stored. Position 5 heroes of Dota 2 are Crystal Maiden, Bane, Warlock, Disruptor, and Ancient Apparition.

Features of the game at each position of Dota 2

The roles of Dota 2 differ in numbers from each other both in their specifics and in their behavior on the map. Therefore, to bring maximum benefit to your teammates, it is worth acquiring a whole hero pool for a specific position, which will take most of the training to improve.

When playing Dota 2 as a support, you need to keep an eye on the entire map, come to the rescue in time, or create a numerical advantage on the lane.

In the case of carries, earning gold and first items plays an important role.

The mid-players have a briskly growing level that allows them to form an advantage in mass brawls.

A hardliner must be able to farm gold and get experience in the most uncomfortable circumstances.

The support player often plays the role of the captain. He is responsible for the team’s movement around the map, analyzes its peak, and feels well whether it is necessary to end the game earlier or it is the same time to drag it into late.


What is meta?

These are the most powerful characters at the moment in Dota since the game regularly receives new patches with fixes, innovations, and improvements. Thanks to this, heroes change, and with them, their importance. For this reason, all changes must be carefully monitored to time make changes to your strategy.

How decide on a role and a hero?

When choosing your role and hero, it is important to understand the character’s mechanics. Therefore, first, you should play enough time on different characters and see who has the greatest share of victories. After that, the choice will be much easier.

How to properly allocate playing time with different roles?

It would be best if you did not devote all your time to playing only one role. But, of course, if you settled on a specific role in the team, then its training will take “the lion’s share” of the time. But don’t forget about the rest of the roles. This will help you better understand the gameplay and expand the range of tactical maneuvers for your team.

Avada Kedavra

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