How to Counter Medusa

The most important thing to do against Meduza is to start to interfere with her from the very beginning of the game. Aggression against Medusa from the early minutes will not give her the excellent start she needs. It is worth trying to kill her at least 2 times until she reaches level 6.

The best counter would be a hero who is not dependent on mana, and who has proper health regeneration. How to counter Medusa in time for the gank is also very situational. The best option is to use a hero who has a disabile or silence. With this set of abilities, your hero will not allow Medusa to use the ultimate ability, which will significantly facilitate her killing. A hero with great instant damage is also very suitable.

Heroes with the ability to burn mana are great counters to Medusa. It is always worth lowering the mana of Medusa so that her shield weakens. Even if you cannot kill her, the low mana level will force her to leave the line or play very carefully under her tower, which will limit the possibility of gold farming.

How to Counter Medusa

Among the core heroes, it is worth noting those who use illusions.

Heroes like Terrorblade, Naga Siren, and Phantom Lancer combined with Diffusal Blade will be great counters.

Counter pick Medusa – Invoker

He. has an excellent ability that burns mana, EMP. Quickly burns a massive amount of mana of Medusa, and then can destroy her with procast.

Counter pick Medusa – Outworld Devourer

Has the ability to steal intelligence, and burn mana, which significantly spoils the life of Medusa. It’s excellent as the counter of Medusa in the mid lane, as he is very aggressive from the first minutes of the game.

Medusa Counter pick – Slark

The Medusa does not have a very high speed of movement, and Slark easily uses this. It has perfect mobility, which gives this hero an extraordinary advantage. Due to its speed and passive ability to steal agility, it can very well increase its stats, since Medusa can be beaten for a very long time.

Medusa Counter pick – Viper

With Neurotoxin, this character disables the passive abilities of opponents. Since Split Shot will not work, Medusa, will not be such a formidable opponent. It also slows down the movement and attack of heroes. Medusa already has a not very good speed of movement, and when meeting with Viper, she will completely lose it. As well as Outworld Devourer very suitable mid lane counter for Medusa.

Anti-pick Medusa – Ursa

Since Medusa is a very tenacious hero because of his shield, Ursa will fight perfectly against her. Fury Swipes will inflict a huge damage effect, due to which Medusa will be destroyed very quickly. When Ursa initiate feels very good due to Enrage. Since his damage will increase with hits and disables will act much less.

Anti-pick Medusa – Huskar

Very strong from the first minutes of the game. Huskar does not particularly in need of gold, he needs to kill the enemy. One of the best heroes for domination in the early stages. He will not allow Medusa to get gold. He will forever drive away Medusa from the line. Huskar is well suited as counter pick on the line as well as in the mid lane.

Anti-pick Medusa – Anti-Mage

He does not depend on mana, has resistance to magical damage, and burns out the mana of an opponent in addition. The perfect counter pick against Medusa. If you have a question about how to counter Medusa in late, then pick this character.

Supporting heroes that suits well as a counter to Medusa

Anti-pick Medusa – Bane

This character can cause a lot of trouble Medusa. Enfeeble reduces the attack, due to which it will be more difficult for Medusa to farm gold on the line. He keeps excellent disables in his arsenal that will make Medusa leave the lane. He will also be useful at the end of the game.

Antipik Medusa – Nyx Assassin

The ability of Mana Burn very much spoils the life of Medusa since it burns quite a lot of mana, and Medusa without mana is very helpless. Carapace just as easily bypasses the abilities of Medusa, which makes this hero an excellent choice at all stages of the game.

❓ How to counter Medusa?

🧩 You can use several ways to implement the Medusa counter pick, and you can read in the article.

❓ Which heroes will hide Medusa?

🧩 To hide Medusa, it is necessary to use certain heroes first of all, and what heroes can you read in the article?

❓ What are the strengths and weaknesses of Medusa?

🧩 Medusa, like all Dota 2 characters, has several strengths and weaknesses, knowing what can effectively counteract him in a mussel. Read more in this article.

Avada Kedavra

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